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League Matches can restart from Sunday 22nd November

Posted by East Lothian Clubs Winter League on Nov 16 2020 at 03:41AM PST in 1993-94

On Wednesday afternoon, 11th Nov, Scottish Golf changed their advice to golf clubs in Level 3 local authority areas – see https://scottishgolf.org/updated-covid-19-guidance-now-available/. They now state "In Level 3 you can travel anywhere within your local authority area to take part in sport, and the previous rule that you could only travel 5 miles has been removed. East Lothian is to be re-classified in Level 2 from 24th November.

With the freedom to move around East Lothian re-established, the league’s competitions committee now feels there is scope to restart matches. However, being mindful of the new law prohibiting travel into or out of any Level 3 area (e.g. Edinburgh), the committee have also stipulated that clubs cannot select players who live outside East Lothian. This stipulation will stand until further review by the committee.

Should any club decide to further restrict play on their course then that restriction will also apply to a Winter League match taking place on that golf course.

The League’s Covid Rules are amended to make this decision clear. Team managers have been asked once again to share these with their squad players, and they are attached here.


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